Epiphany is something that you find you dropped in some places. So how could we discover or find it out?
This was my first epiphany tonight. I clicked to TED and was looking for any ideas to "surprise" me.
At the same time, another epiphany occurs. I am recently learning how to be connected in social media, therefore, except Facebook, I newly downloaded Instagram (in fact it's a petty old-fashioned stuff already), where I accidentally click "tracing" of an old Italian friend. She is an interaction designer and she has a website, where she posted a project she had been involved called "Epiphany"!!!
Wow!! That was my second surprise tonight. Her "Epiphany" is, an App enables people who are walking or living around Venice to record and share their epiphany of this city. How a lovely project she and her counterparts did to keep the city's blood running healthy.
Lovely night.